An intense dance performance in which the struggle against invisible matter comes to life, accompanied by sounds of Canto Ostinato.
In choreographer Krisztina de Châtel's monumental dance performance TYPHOON (1986), the dancers prepare for an intense battle in a windless prologue. Accompanied by the rippling piano sounds of Simeon ten Holt's Canto Ostinato, the dancers hang out of tune, as if leaning against the wind. Their arms cleave through the air, ready for what is to come.
When the swelling roar of wind machines drowns out the soft piano sounds, the dancers fill their lungs and proudly battle the invisible matter, which they make tangible while dancing. This performance, performed by Introdans in spring 2025, tests De Châtel's choreographic ordering prowess in a flying storm. TYPHOON is a showdown of minimalist dance in which the elements and the human spirit meet.