Past and present alternate in architecture, but certainly also in cultural offer. Colourful, traditional and typical Maastricht, but also mysterious, undiscovered, challenging and worldly-minded. From underground cultural treasures and characteristic towers, to lively and vibrant festivals, exhibitions and breathtaking performances.
52 results
With Maastricht being named after the river, you can imagine that this landscape feature plays an important...
With Maastricht being named after the river, you can imagine that this landscape feature plays an important part in the city’s identity.
Show detailsvan The MeuseThis beautiful 13th century Gothic church contains an exceptional pulpit (1780), grave slabs and wall...
This beautiful 13th century Gothic church contains an exceptional pulpit (1780), grave slabs and wall paintings (1400) with Christian symbols, and a 70 m tall tower.
Show detailsvan Sint Jans churchThe former provincial government building of Limburg, located in the historic centre of Maastricht.
The former provincial government building of Limburg, located in the historic centre of Maastricht.
Show detailsvan Old GovernementThe heart of the city is home to the beautiful Vrijthof square. In the 19th century, Vrijthof square...
The heart of the city is home to the beautiful Vrijthof square. In the 19th century, Vrijthof square was given its current appearance: a paved square surrounded by trees. The wealthy bourgeoisie enjoyed takin strolls in this area.
Show detailsvan Vrijthof squareIf you're not afraid of the dark, you should visit the famous Caves of St. Pieter. In the course of centuries...
If you're not afraid of the dark, you should visit the famous Caves of St. Pieter. In the course of centuries of marl quarrying, an underground labyrinth was created here with over 20,000 passageways.
Show detailsvan Caves Zonneberg Sint PietersbergAfter being closed for a long time, the decision was made on 5 October 2017 to reopen the ENCI quarry...
After being closed for a long time, the decision was made on 5 October 2017 to reopen the ENCI quarry to the public.
Show detailsvan ENCI quarryOn the initiative of the province of Limburg and the municipality of Maastricht, the Europe Monument...
On the initiative of the province of Limburg and the municipality of Maastricht, the Europe Monument was erected to mark the tenth anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty.
Show detailsvan Stars of EuropeThe statue of d'Artagnan.
The statue of d'Artagnan.
Show detailsvan Monument to d’ArtagnanArthur Spronken’s horse torsos reveal the dynamic of the body.
Arthur Spronken’s horse torsos reveal the dynamic of the body.
Show detailsvan Amazon on horsebackDiscover the wonders of perception at Museum of Illusions Maastricht! Step into a world where nothing...
Discover the wonders of perception at Museum of Illusions Maastricht! Step into a world where nothing is as it seems and be amazed by optical illusions, holograms, and interactive exhibits. A unique experience for all ages, where your senses are put to the test and your mind is surprised.
Show detailsvan Museum of Illusions MaastrichtVALKENBURG COAL MINE "THE BLACK GOLD" Discover the world of coal mining in a mysterious “underground”...
VALKENBURG COAL MINE "THE BLACK GOLD" Discover the world of coal mining in a mysterious “underground” environment.
Show detailsvan Coal mine ValkenburgWhether for a romantic picnic, a culinary event, a jog or workout, or just a relaxing stroll, Maastricht's...
Whether for a romantic picnic, a culinary event, a jog or workout, or just a relaxing stroll, Maastricht's city park (stadspark) really is a perfect place for everyone.
Show detailsvan City parkThe five hundred year old late gothic Cellebroederschapel, formerly part of a much larger monastery,...
The five hundred year old late gothic Cellebroederschapel, formerly part of a much larger monastery, is a hidden gem in the center of Maastricht showing a unique vault with the original medieval paintings, beautiful chandeliers and a monumental organ.
Show detailsvan CellebroederskapelCentre Céramique is on Plein 1992 between the Wyck and Céramique districts.
Centre Céramique is on Plein 1992 between the Wyck and Céramique districts.
Show detailsvan Centre CeramiqueAt the Blanche Dael roastery, located in the Sphinxkwartier, the fire is burning. Quite literally.
At the Blanche Dael roastery, located in the Sphinxkwartier, the fire is burning. Quite literally.
Show detailsvan Blanche Dael RoasteryStatue of Minckelers.
Statue of Minckelers.
Show detailsvan Minckelers and the flame‘Schuilen in Maastricht’ (Shelter in Maastricht) is located in one of the galleries of the Kazematten...
‘Schuilen in Maastricht’ (Shelter in Maastricht) is located in one of the galleries of the Kazematten underground bunker complex. This museum is devoted to the shelters created in Maastricht during World War II and the Cold War.
Show detailsvan Air-raid shelter museumThis southernmost part of the Netherlands, between Maastricht and Belgium, is almost un-Dutchly beautiful....
This southernmost part of the Netherlands, between Maastricht and Belgium, is almost un-Dutchly beautiful. Experience tranquility and nature's joy during a visit to this spot, just a stone's throw away from the city center.
Show detailsvan Sint Pieters hillOn the eastern flank of the St. Pietersberg hill (overlooking the Meuse), lies a very special and valuable...
On the eastern flank of the St. Pietersberg hill (overlooking the Meuse), lies a very special and valuable point of interest: the Lichtenberg Castle ruins. It is undoubtedly the oldest castle ruin in the Netherlands...
Show detailsvan Ruïne LichtenbergLocated in the romantic Jeker quarter, the Bisschopsmolen (Bishop's Mill) water mill is a must-see if...
Located in the romantic Jeker quarter, the Bisschopsmolen (Bishop's Mill) water mill is a must-see if you are visiting Maastricht.
Show detailsvan Bisschopsmolen (Bishop’s Mill)