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Monument to d’Artagnan


The statue of d'Artagnan.


Aldenhofpark 4- 5
6211 LV Maastricht
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On 25 June 1673, the legendary d'Artagnan died in a bloody battle between French and Dutch State’s troops near the Tongeren Gate in Maastricht. A bronze statue was unveiled in 1977 on the very spot where this musketeer captain was killed. The statue was designed by the sculptor Alexander Taratynov. D’Artagnan's full name is Charles Debatz-Castelmore. The honour of unveiling the statue fell to the then councillor Debats, who, incidentally, was not related to the count.

D’Artagnan became widely known through the writer Alexandre Dumas, who wrote about the adventures of three musketeers, members of the Royal French Guard.

Take a seat on the semi-circular bench and admire the beauty this part of the city park has to offer.
